Armin Busen Supervises InnoGames’ Portfolio Strategy

Former CFO Armin Busen will become the new Chief Product Officer (CPO) at InnoGames effective immediately. Thus, he takes over the responsibility for games in development (Producing) and live games (Product Management) at the German online games publisher. In a move that supports the company’s foundation for profitable growth, Busen’s goal is to continue to increase the quality of the games and expand the current portfolio. Busen will continue to be responsible for both the accounting and controlling departments until InnoGames hires a new CFO.

“Armin Busen proved his outstanding analytical skills in his previous position and has profound knowledge about the international gaming market. This makes him the perfect choice to lift our gaming development to the next level”, InnoGames CEO Hendrik Klindworth explains. Klindworth himself was responsible for Product Management until now and will now focus more on the company's strategic level of development.

“The expansion of the InnoGames portfolio is a great task. Our current position with five live games offers a formidable base to further conquer the mobile market in 2015”, says Armin Busen. “Due to the extremely competitive landscape in the mobile gaming market it is essential to produce games with the highest possible quality and long term motivation. We want to set new standards in these areas”, he elaborates.


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Dennis Heinert

Head of Public Relations, InnoGames

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