Tribal Wars: InnoGames releases strategy classic on Steam

With the online strategy game Tribal Wars, Hendrik and Eike Klindworth and Michael Zillmer developed a modern classic of the browser game genre in 2003. What started as a hobby project set the foundation for the launch of InnoGames, Germany’s leading developer and publisher of online and mobile games. Today and after 17 years on the market, it is time for Tribal Wars’ next milestone. To attract even more players, the game is being launched on the PC game distribution platform Steam. Tribal Wars is also playable on iOS and Android devices and has loyal fans across the globe due to its strategic depth. 

"I am very pleased that after all these years on the market, we are able to present a long-running phenomenon like Tribal Wars to a completely new audience with the release on Steam. A whole team of developers are still working on the title, in close cooperation with the veteran community. Together, we are constantly improving the mechanics and features of the game. Players own Tribal Wars as much as we do, so their feedback is extremely important to us in order to keep the game experience fresh while maintaining its core character," said Chase Williams, Product Manager of Tribal Wars

Since 2003, Tribal Wars has captivated players around the globe. In line with InnoGames’ feedback-driven approach, modders were able to change the game productively early on. This spirit of freedom is now backed using player-created tools and scripts. Besides the close cooperation with the community, the transition to mobile in 2012 was another key to success.  
"Tribal Wars is a true strategic classic. Keeping a game successful on the market for such a long time is a great achievement, which is mainly due to our loyal players who have been with the game from the beginning. The team is working hard to always offer something new to our community. We couldn't be prouder of what we have created together with our players and are looking forward to bringing Tribal Wars to even more players around the globe. It is a game that is close to both our hearts and the community's," explains Philip Bang, Studio Director. 

Tribal Wars has been on the market for 17 years and is available in over 24 language versions. Every month, over one million new tribes are founded and more than 250,000 attacks on other villages are initiated.

Tribal Wars can be played on the PC in the browser and via Steam as well as mobile via iOS and Google Play

About Tribal Wars 
Tribal Wars was released in 2003 and was one of the first browser strategy games ever. In 17 years, Tribal Wars has been released in 24 different languages worldwide. Launched as a browser-only game, it is now cross-platform with apps for iOS and Android devices. Tribal Wars takes place in the early Middle Ages. Each player starts as the chief of a small village and fights for fame and glory. In addition to the right tactics and diplomacy, the key to success is the skillful expansion of your own troops. 

About InnoGames 
InnoGames is Germany’s leading developer and publisher of mobile and online games. The company based in Hamburg is best known for Forge of Empires, Elvenar and Tribal Wars. InnoGames’ complete portfolio encompasses seven live games and several mobile titles in production. Born as a hobby, InnoGames today has a team of 400 employees from more than 30 nations who share the passion of creating unique games that players across the globe enjoy for years. 

Tribal Wars is available on Steam soon!


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